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Why your site needs a monthly maintenance service

Why your site needs a monthly maintenance service

Just as a car requires regular checks and repairs to prevent breakdowns and ensure smooth operation, a website needs consistent maintenance to remain functional, secure, and effective. Ignoring routine maintenance for a vehicle can lead to it being covered in dirt, succumbing to rust, and eventually breaking down. Similarly, a neglected website can become vulnerable to security threats, suffer from decreased performance, and provide outdated information, all of which can repel potential customers.

In the following article, we will cover the intricacies of website maintenance, detailing what it includes and why it is indispensable for keeping a site up-to-date, secure, and functioning at its peak. In addition, we will delve into website maintenance costs and offer valuable tips on how to find the best website maintenance agencies on the market.

What is website maintenance?

Website maintenance involves the regular checking, updating, and managing of a website to ensure it remains functional, secure, and up to date. It is important for keeping the site running smoothly, improving user experience, and safeguarding against potential vulnerabilities that could lead to security breaches.

Maintenance tasks can be performed manually by individuals or through automated systems, but often the complexity and demands of modern websites require the expertise of a dedicated team of specialists. Such professionals use a variety of tools and strategies to monitor website performance, apply security updates, and make necessary adjustments to website content and design.

Why is site maintenance necessary?

Site maintenance is essential for several compelling reasons, each contributing to the overall effectiveness and security of a website. In the following section, we will explore in detail the key reasons why investing in regular website maintenance pays dividends.

Performance monitoring

Regularly monitoring website performance helps to identify and rectify performance issues that can affect user experience. Slow loading times, broken links, or functionality errors can frustrate visitors and lead to a higher bounce rate, ultimately affecting the site's effectiveness and search engine rankings.


Websites are frequent targets for cyber attacks, and maintenance includes the important task of implementing security updates and patches. Regular security checks help prevent vulnerabilities that could lead to data breaches, protecting both the site and its users' sensitive information.

Adapting to customer demand

Consumer preferences and behaviors change over time. Luckily, regular site maintenance allows a business to adapt its online presence to meet evolving customer demands. This adaptation might include updating website content, improving navigation, or adding new features to enhance the user experience.

Regular maintenance ensures that a website does not look outdated, leveraging the latest design principles and technologies to remain competitive and appealing. It demonstrates a commitment to quality and relevance, which can foster greater trust and loyalty among visitors, ultimately driving better engagement and conversions.

Types of website maintenance services - What does website maintenance include?

Website maintenance encompasses a variety of services, each tailored to address specific aspects of a website's functionality, security, and user experience. Below, we will detail the essential maintenance tasks that are vital for any website, from regular software updates to content management, security enhancements, and performance optimization.

Security updates

Security updates are a critical component of website maintenance, ensuring that the website operates safely and remains impervious to malicious attacks. They protect both the back-end and front-end functionalities from vulnerabilities, thereby preserving the integrity of the website and the safety of its users.

CMS and plugin updates

Keeping the content management system and plugins that you are using up-to-date is crucial for security and functionality. Outdated plugins and content management platforms can become potential gateways for hackers, exposing websites to security breaches. Regular updates not only patch security holes, but also introduce new features and ensure compatibility with current technologies. This enhances the user experience and strengthens a site’s defenses against emerging security threats.

SSL certificates

A SSL certificate plays a pivotal role in website security by encrypting the data transmitted between a user’s browser and the website, making it difficult for hackers to intercept or tamper with the information. Regularly updating and managing SSL certificates is essential to maintain the trust of website visitors. This is particularly crucial for e-commerce sites, where securing customer transactions becomes synonymous with maintaining business credibility.

Database and content back-up

Database and content back-ups are invaluable for any website, and yet many site owners neglect this essential task. Regular back-ups ensure that you have a reliable copy of your website data in case of hardware failure, cyberattacks, or data corruption. This safety net allows for the quick restoration of your website to its previous state, minimizing downtime and preventing data loss which can be devastating for business operations.

Fixing bugs and errors

Maintaining a website involves regular checks for bugs and errors that can compromise functionality. These issues may include malfunctioning features, images that fail to load, broken forms, and a plethora of other glitches. Addressing these errors promptly ensures that the website remains professional, user-friendly, and operates smoothly, thereby enhancing the overall user experience.

Support and helpdesk

Having access to support and helpdesk services is crucial when implementing new features or making significant changes to a website.** This support can provide vital information and advice, helping to analyze how new functionalities will be perceived by users.** Such resources are tremendously helpful for making informed decisions that align with user expectations and business objectives.

Search engine optimization maintenance

Search engine optimization (SEO) maintenance is an ongoing process that is essential for ensuring a website remains visible and competitive in search engine rankings. This section will delve into the various aspects of this kind of maintenance, which involves not only tracking and adjusting content and keywords, but also monitoring overall site performance and functionality. By continually optimizing these elements, a website can maintain or improve its positioning in search results, enhancing its visibility and attracting more traffic.

If you would like to learn more about search engine optimization, make sure to read our article about how to prepare a website for search engine optimization.

Performance monitoring and optimization

Monitoring the performance of a website, specifically the speed of the homepage and individual pages such as product pages, blog articles, and service pages, is critical. This involves assessing how quickly these pages load and function, as rapid performance is a key factor in user experience and SEO rankings. Regular performance optimization helps ensure that the website remains efficient and responsive, which is crucial for retaining visitors and improving engagement.

Website traffic monitoring

Keeping an eye on website traffic involves tracking the ranking and visibility of various keywords using tools like Google Search Console, Ahrefs, or Semrush. Rather than actively driving new strategies, the focus here is on monitoring for significant drops in visibility and tracking positions to ensure that the website maintains its search relevance and effectiveness in attracting visitors.

Monthly crawling of any website is advisable to identify broken links and pages that have not been indexed, as well as heavy images and duplicated meta tags. These issues often arise naturally as the website evolves, such as through the addition of new products or articles and updates to existing content. Addressing these regularly helps to maintain the site’s health and optimizes its performance in search engines.

Indexability check

Regular checks are necessary to ensure new pages are being indexed and that the entire site has not been removed from Google's index. It's also important to check for indexation of unwanted junk or duplicate pages. Verifying that there are no specific errors blocking a page from being indexed is crucial for maintaining the visibility of the site's content in search engines.

Content update and creation

Search engine optimization maintenance goes beyond merely ensuring the website operates smoothly and quickly. It also involves enhancing and updating existing content, expanding it to remain relevant and authoritative. Regular updates and the creation of new, optimized content help to improve keywords visibility, attract backlinks, and ultimately drive more targeted traffic to the site.

Read more: SEO maintenance - What is it and why is it important?

What's the expected cost of website maintenance?

Estimating website maintenance cost is a bit complicated. The answer depends on how important the website is, what you hope to achieve with it, and dozens of other factors. In general, it is best to budget around 20 percent of what you initially spent on a website. So, if the development costs were $100,000, you can reasonably expect to spend about $20,000 annually to maintain everything.

What affects website maintenance pricing?

Understanding the factors that influence website maintenance pricing is crucial for any website owner looking to budget effectively for the upkeep of their digital presence. In this section, we will explore the key elements that affect the cost of website maintenance services, including the scope of services, the frequency of maintenance, and the pricing models of hosting services. Each of these factors plays a significant role in determining the overall website maintenance fees and offers opportunities to optimize expenses and save money.

Scope of website maintenance services

The scope of website maintenance services has a significant impact on the maintenance services cost. A comprehensive maintenance package that includes advanced security measures, frequent updates, back-up and recovery services, and technical support will naturally cost more than a basic service package focusing only on essential updates and performance monitoring.

Website maintenance frequency

How often website maintenance tasks are performed can also affect the overall cost. Choosing the right frequency depends on the website's size, complexity, and user demand. Frequent maintenance is necessary for complex, high-traffic websites to ensure optimal performance and security. However, it also increases the website maintenance fees. Less frequent maintenance might be adequate for smaller, simpler websites, which can significantly save money in the long run.

Hosting service provider pricing

The choice of hosting provider and the type of hosting plan are also critical in determining the overall costs of the entire endeavor. Shared hosting, where multiple websites share the same server, is generally the least expensive option and might be sufficient for smaller websites with lower traffic. However, larger websites that require robust security and higher bandwidth may need dedicated hosting, which is more costly. Hosting providers vary in pricing structures, so comparing the offers from different hosting providers is the key to finding the best deal and help you save on hosting costs.

Is monthly maintenance enough?

Monthly maintenance is generally sufficient for smaller websites, which typically have less content and simpler functionalities. However, larger online stores or extensive online platforms require more frequent attention due to their complexity and the larger volume of content they manage. For such sites, it's advisable to conduct weekly maintenance checks to ensure website security and the proper functioning of every new functionality. General assessments of overall website performance may be scheduled quarterly. The most comprehensive tasks, including detailed annual reviews, should ideally be undertaken yearly.

How to find the right website maintenance service provider

Selecting the ideal website maintenance service provider is a critical decision that can significantly impact the longevity of any website. With that in mind, let us help you navigate the complex process of finding a genuinely great provider. By understanding what to consider and how to systematically evaluate the options that are available to you, you can ensure that the service provider you end up choosing will be a pleasure to work with!

Think about what you need and write it down

Start by clearly defining what you need in term of website maintenance. Consider factors such as the size of the website, the level of traffic it receives, specific functionalities that require regular updates, and any security concerns. Writing down these requirements will help you articulate what you are looking for in a maintenance service, ensuring that the provider you choose can meet these needs effectively.

Take a look at Clutch or any other review website

Review websites like Clutch play a crucial role in evaluating different service providers. These platforms offer reviews and ratings from real customers, providing insights into the quality of service, customer satisfaction, and reliability of various companies. Reviewing these testimonials and feedback can help you gauge which providers deliver on their promises and which might fall short.

Get quotes from different service providers

Once you've identified a few potential providers, the next step is to obtain quotes from each one of them. Requesting detailed proposals allows you to compare not only prices, but also what is included in their website maintenance packages. This comparison is essential to understanding the value each provider offers and can help you get the best service for your budget.

Pick the provider that you like best

After reviewing the proposals and assessing the potential fit of each provider based on their services, costs, and customer feedback, select the provider that best meets your needs. Consider factors such as the extent of their services, their expertise in handling websites similar to yours, their customer service quality, and, of course, the cost-effectiveness of their offer.

Invest in website maintenance services today!

Overall, website maintenance is not just about fixing problems. It is about proactively managing the website to ensure that it continues to function as an effective digital tool that meets business goals, supports user needs, and aligns with the latest standards and customer expectations.

At Adchitects, we offer top-quality website maintenance services tailored to meet a variety of needs, from small personal blogs to large e-commerce platforms. Our team of experts is dedicated to providing the support and expertise necessary to keep your website at the forefront of digital innovation and security.

Don't wait for the next big breakdown or security breach to think about your website's health. Contact us today, and learn more about how our maintenance services can extend the life of your website, enhance user experience, and protect your digital presence!

Robert Krawczyk

Head of Development

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